In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to reserve a static IP address for websites running on the Google cloud platform. There is not the importance of what WordPress platform you are using right now, may it be clock to deploy platform or Bitnami version. You learn about the core set up of Google Cloud Platform.
Before, I Shri Ganesh this topic of reserving static IP on google cloud. Let’s recall what you learn previously :
✅Point your Domain Name to Google Cloud Hosting
✅Step to Setup and Install WordPress on Google Cloud
Now booking a static IP address is one of the first things you should do just after launching a website on Google cloud. Okay, then the simple question is, ‘Why this is important?’
It prevents your website from breaking whenever you restart your Apache server. Your site breaks because of the dynamic domain already assigned.
- To Reserve an Existing Dynamic IP Address on Google Cloud
- To Reserve New IP Address on Google Cloud
How To Reserve an Existing Dynamic IP Address on Google Cloud
So the first thing we’re going to do is when I head on over to our Google cloud platform dashboard we’re going to go to the hamburger menu in the upper left-hand corner of the screen and for most configurations
Your site external IP address will be located under the computed column, but for some settings, you will go to V PC networks and then to external IP addresses.
Now you can see here this is the external IP address of the website that you may already configure in the previous tutorial on the Google cloud platform.
You’re going to go to the down arrow in the ‘type’ column and select a static IP address reserved for your instance.
How To Assign New static IP Address on Google Cloud
Again you need to go to the hamburger menu in the upper left-hand corner of the screen and then go to VPC networks and then to external IP addresses.
Thanks for learning this tutorial, If you have any doubts, queries, and questions regarding this above tutorial then feel free to connect with us. I will clear out your doubts.
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We are going to reserve a new static IP address for your cloud instance, instead of using the previous one, click the “RESERVE STATIC ADDRESS” button. Rember to make sure the IP address matches the IP address in your website’s DNS records.
Your External IP Addresses may be located either under “VPC Network > External IP addresses” or “Networking > External IP Addresses.”
Okay, you have finished to Reserve a Static IP Address on Google Cloud Platform, Are you ready to learn the next tutorial on:
Thanks for learning this tutorial, If you have any doubts, queries, and questions regarding this above tutorial then feel free to connect with us. I will clear out your doubts.
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